Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Internet Power Tackles TV

Google has officially announced it's newest media creation: Google TV. Google TV is a product that will integrate your television with the rest of your technical gadgets. With internet access, an open source platform with applications, and the coveted google search tool, your TV will work more like a computer than a television. Google tv also includes picture in picture, easier DVR navigation for dish users, and the ability to use your smartphone as a controller. You'll never have to dig through the cushions of your couch for you remote again, but for your phone instead!

Google TV will be available sometime this fall. Google TV can be purchased in all new Sony HDTV's ($TBA) or as a Logitech router ($300).

I personally do not see this product catching on very quickly. Internet TV has been attempted before and failed miserably. In order for this product to be successul, the price mus drop dramatically.  Buying a new television or spending 300 dollars is quite alot of money to spend on mere integration and convenience. I have a 2000 dollar laptop to watch youtube and launch applications on. If I want it on my tv, I'll spend 20 dollars and get a HDMI cable.

Google is taking the step in changing the way viewers watch TV, but need to drop the price tag or offer their own DVR system.

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